Boy oh boy did we have fun tonight. It was our siblings night out, something we started last year, and is now a tradition. Kevin's 21 now, so we were able to go to a bar. Since i'm not the world's best bar picker, i put et#1 up to the task of picking where we should go. She decided that cleary's would be perfect, so we started the night off there. Actually, i should start at the beginning. Here goes....

We walked down to the bus stop, but missed both 9:30 buses by seconds. I'm still not quite sure why they didn't wait for us since we were standing there. We had to wait almost a half hour for the next one, so kevin and brian walked across the street and picked up some beers which they drank out of brown paper bags like hobos.

At cleary's, we got some drinks and some food. Brian couldn't figure out how to eat nachos with the toppings on the chips. Look what he did to the table.

What a cute sister i have! It's officially her birthday in this picture. We sang happy birthday to her really loudly. I think some guy smiled at us too.

Here's all of us. I was tempted to take a picture of us standing to put on my blog, but i didn't. The reason was because i was wearing heels which made me the exact same height as my sister, so i wouldn't appear to be so short. Next time.

Once cleary's started to clear out (ha!), we walked over to the beehive. I liked this place, and am planning on returning to sit around and people watch. Once we secured our corner table, we started talking about the people who were hanging around. In particular, "tall guy" and "short guys." I presented the question of whether kevin was taller than "tall guy" (a tall guy standing at the bar) and after taking bets, sent kevin on a mission to see if he was indeed taller than tall guy. He was. Kevin's 6'5", and our best guess is that "tall guy's" 6'3". Then the topic turned to how tall "tall guy's" friends were. They looked pretty short. Since i'm the shortest of us kids (at 5'9"), i volunteered to walk up and see if they were shorter than me. Since i was wearing high heels which would confound our data, i offered to remove my shoes for a free drink. I walked up to the bar in my stocking feet, and was indeed taller than at least one of the short guys.

Brian was hungry again, and got a fancy grilled cheese sandwich. It was fabulous. It also came with unbelievably good fries with fried sage. Mmmmmmmmm..........

I still can't believe i got this shot of brian squirting ketchup in julie's mouth. She'd just mentioned how much she love ketchup and that she'd eat it with a spoon if she could. They he sprayed some directly into her mouth. Crazy!

Finally home (after a hilarious cab ride) we ate some cupcakes i'd made for julie's birthday. Here is a picture.
Alright. That's it. I'm leaving tomorrow for a five day trip to nj. Have a good new year everyone!