

Today i made chicken stock for the first time. While it was simmering away, i made a couple loaves of banana bread with the bananas i got at haymarket last saturday, and threw some beets in the oven to roast up along side. Quite the feast. Chicken stock, banana bread, and beets.


And said...

I made wild rice and mushroom soup with the mushrooms I got, plus a spring quiche that used 12 cups of my spinach!! I'm going to make spinach gnocchi with the rest of the spinach and I used some of the sweet potatoes I bought to make sweet potato pancakes for hannukah. Plus I used the cilantro for pico de gallo at your suggestion.

stephanie said...

I'm hungry just reading this. I didn't make anything interseting with the spinach- just a salad with some grilled chicken. It was good though! Your gnocchi sounds super! As does everything else:) I'm going back this weekend, so will stock up on more cheap ingredients for tasty treats.