

According to one of those books that gives you tons of info about you based on your birthday, my soul mate was born on one of these dates; january 6 or 12, february 4 or 10, march 2 or 8, april 6, may 4 and june 2. I'm not sure what happened to the rest of the months, but that's where it cut off. If you (or anyone you know) could be my soul mate, please let me know. Thanks.


stephanie said...

Come on. No comments? This post has such comment potential, and no one's taking advantage of it. Shame on all of you.

Julie said...

Could you please look up my soul mates? I'd like to get a head start looking.

stephanie said...

Next time I'm in Costco, I'll check out the book. It's only $15, but I refuse to purchase it.