

Christmas was great. We followed our usual schedule- wake up, open presents, play video games for a ridiculous amount of time, clean (both the house and ourselves), greet guests, visit for a bit, play video games, eat dinner, clean up, play video games, and go to bed. Today we were lucky enough to have the company of et#1 who was without her family for the holiday. I warned her of our excessive video game usage, but she wasn't swayed, and even did a great job of participating despite her lack of prior experience. Last night we played some guitar hero 3 which kevin got for his birthday back in october, but that was old news once he opened rock band, our game of choice for this christmas season. I can't decide if i prefer the drums or guitar. Here's a picture of julie (vocals), brian (on drums) and kevin (rocking the guitar) during one of our later night performances. I'd estimate we killed about 6 hours playing this. At least.


Nora said...

Fun! Merry Christmas! I had a funny Christmas this year. Barry and I had a Jewish Christmas, went to the movies and out for Chinese food! But he did get me a stocking and it was the best stocking ever! Yeah! Glad Evil Twin got to hang out with your family! It's always nice to have a family to hang out with!

Evil Twin #1 said...

I want you to get Rock band too! It is the best game ever. I like the bass and the drums sans the bass pedal (I still am sore in my shin this morning). Wahoo!

stephanie said...

Ya- the pedal gets rough. Just imagine it on expert difficulty level! I like playing bass on a harder level since it's usually less complicated than guitar. I still keep guitar level at medium! Maybe if I win the lottery I'll buy myself an Xbox and rock band. Then I'll invite all of you over to play it with me.

Evil said...

oh no, dont get et#1 hooked on video games. she'll never become dr. et#1 if that happens!