

Blah. I'm getting fed up with blogs. No new posts, no good comment conversations, nothing exciting at all. Sure it's close to the holiday season and everyone's getting stressed out and busy, but i don't really care. Back in the day, i could count on the hose for new posts, and especially for good conversations in the comment section. Ever since evil left for india, things have gone downhill. There's been no post in over a week, and no replies to comments made. I'm disappointed. For a while there, the new blog- confessions of a yearbook nerd- was looking promising with frequent posts, but that too has tapered down with no new material and a halfhearted effort given to the last couple posts. Word of mouth hasn't been bad- even going for three consecutive days with a new post, but without a following of strong commenters, there's no follow-up. The folks at evil twins have been keeping up with their usual quota, and the last posts from both 1 and 2 were particularly funny, but it's not enough to offset the lackluster performance of everyone else (and not just the blog writers, but you readers too).

Don't take this as a personal attack. The truth is, i haven't been sleeping well and am therefore tired and grumpy. Since i didn't have anything else to write about, this is what you got. Maybe now that i've taken care of it, i'll have some better entries coming up.


Louie Monkey-Pest said...

Blaming the readers, too? Now that is harsh!

stephanie said...

I was having a bad day. It worked, though, huh? Many more comments than there had been...