

Part of m's homework was learning about the correct way to write abbreviations. Periods, capitals, etc. I was taking her to her nutcracker rehearsal tonight, and while I was testing her, she mentioned that some of the abbreviations don't have anything to do with the word. Really it was only the word pound. Where did the lb come from? Instead of writing it off, I was curious enough to look it up online. Turns out it's from the latin word libra, which means "scales, balances," and is close to an ancient roman use of mass that's similar in weight to a pound. So there we go. Lb is from libra. And pound is from libra.


Evil said...

wow, this blog is so informative! thanks!

stephanie said...

I do what I can evil. I do what I can.

Julie said...

I wouldn't say informative so much as I would say, someone needs a job...

Evil said...

ouch, some tough love from julie! :)

stephanie said...

Ya. Julie's a punk. I don't deny I need a job. I'm going stir crazy without one. At least when I get one, I'll be making more than $100/month like some people I know....