

Another new sarah, this time about her thirteen year old chihuahua/pug mix named doug. After an abuse allegation, he's taken away from her and put into protective custody, and she has to fight to get him back. I laughed so hard, I nearly cried. My favorite part was this:

Cold war kids saint john is playing in the background. Sarah is let into the prison where doug is kept, and passes other dogs caged and in various jail-like acts (drugged out looking, dog on dog action, etc). When she gets to his cell, he's wearing a bright orange diaper.
Sarah: "Why is he wearing underpants?"
Guard: "For his own safety. Your three minutes is starting."
She pets him, and scratches his back.
Guard: "Pet higher please. You need to refrain from touching him in his covered area."

I suppose it doesn't sound as funny written out as it is on tv. You should all watch it if you haven't seen it. I have it tivoed, and will keep it along with the other seven episodes, so you're welcome to come over and watch it here. Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.


Nora said...

We laughed so hard at the commercial about her asking him what tastes so good. We're always asking Barney why that tastes so good... he's always licking it! Ha! Funny episode!

And said...

I liked the part where the animal control people came to her door and she was all excited and was like, "oh did you find my dog?" and they said, "your dog is right there behind you." and then she shut the door in their faces. HAHA!

stephanie said...

Ya- and the part where she had to go door to door telling people she was a registered offender and that she wasn't allowed within 50 ft of animals!!!