

She's had a run of bad luck recently. Last night was the candle on the cake. We were all sitting around watching bones when the eleven year old neighbor knocked on our door to tell us that some lady was hitting one of our cars over and over again. We all went outside (along with the rest of the neighborhood) and found that jen's car had been hit by a minivan who's driver was still sitting inside. She kept hitting the gas pedal which pushed the back of jen's car further and further into the curb. The neighbor who'd called 911 had tried to talk to the woman, but she seemed a little out of it. No one knew if she was crazy or what, so we didn't approach the car, but waited for the firemen to arrive. Turns out she was having a seizure. Apparently she had come around the corner, hit jen's car lightly, and then kept seizing which forced her foot against the pedal. So unfortunate. They moved the car after getting her into an ambulance and there was only a small dent on the minivan, and some rear bumper and panel damage on jen's car. Luckily, it missed her rear wheel well by inches, so her car was drivable. The woman was expected to be fine, especially since the impact was minimal. The kicker is that this has happened to her before. Her husband (they live one street over) mentioned "she's been doing so well recently too."Apparently seizure patients are allowed to drive after six months of being seizure free. I'm not sure how I feel about this- if I was close to someone who suffered from seizures, I don't think I'd be comfortable with them driving at all. What if she'd been on the highway doing 70mph? She probably would have died.

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