I'm practicing hibernation techniques like bears. Today i made three batches of soup, poured them into single serving freezer bags, and piled them up in my freezer. I now have 21 single-serving bags of soup, plus about nine servings of older soup that's in larger bags. Check out the picture.

I've been very interested in soup these past four months. I think it's because i can try out different levels of cooking (using meat, cutting up stuff, etc) but still end up with everything in one pot. Plus, i can whip a bag out, stick it in warm water, and have real food ready with very little effort. Today i made soups from my new soup cookbook- "the big book of soups and stews" by maryana vollstedt. Spicy black bean soup, broccoli and cauliflower soup, and herbed zucchini soup. So far i like the broccoli and cauliflower best. Second up is the black bean- it could have come in first place, but i put too much salt in. Not so much that it's bad, but enough that you notice it. The zucchini soup's good, but tastes a little too zucchini-e for me. If i make it again, i'll add in something else to make it a little more interesting. I got all the supplies at haymarket this morning. I met andrea and nora at nine am and we took the T down (which was
early since et#1 and i had bar night last night and i didn't get to sleep until after two am). I had so much stuff in my tote bag that i had to keep shifting the load from one shoulder to the other. We took bets on how much it weighed- nora bet 28lbs, I bet 34, and andrea bet 36. It weighed in at 29, so nora won $1 from each of us. At first i was disappointed that i had such a hard time carrying a bag that was less than thirty pounds, but then i remembered that my entire backpack that i traveled europe with was less than that. Oh, and e. weighs just about 30 lbs, and i'd have trouble carrying her in a bag with two thin straps. Since the total expenditure was about $16, i averaged $0.55 per pound for potatoes, beets, onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes, bananas, thyme, cilantro, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, garlic and limes. And from that, i'll have enough soup to live off of for weeks!