

I don't bowl much, but when i do, i love it. We went the day after christmas, and i performed poorly, as usual. However, while in ocean city, eighteen of us went to the "mouse trap" bowling alley and paired off for some fun. I bowled with andre, his brother peter, and their brother-in-law mike. Peter's the oldest, and is unbelievably competitive. (I thought the four of us were bad.) The first game i bowled 94- very respectable for me. The second was worse- 70 something. Everyone else only played two games, but since mike and andre had the highest scores for the first two games (129 and 121 or something), peter payed for a third so he could beat everyone, which he did with 151! I started off badly with 0 pins down, but ended with two strikes and a score of 109! My first ever over 100 game! I can't wait to go to kings for some more practice. Who's with me?


And said...

I will go!!!!

Nora said...

Count me in too

stephanie said...

Maybe this will be the location for my 30th!!

Nora said...

FUN Steph! I like it. So... June 17..... should we go practice before hand?

stephanie said...

No way am I having my big party on a school night!!! The 17th is a Tuesday, so plan for the 21st. Of course, I'm more than happy to have several birthday celebrations! I'm definitley up for bowling before that though- we'll have to figure out a night!