

I had a bit of a breakdown tonight. I went to the volunteer orientation at MGH, which was great, but i got conformation that i have to do my volunteer hours during the week as opposed to nights or weekends. I knew it was coming, but still had hopes that i could somehow sneak them in on the weekend. What does this mean? It means that i'm officially unable to get a "real" job, at least until april, which would be a little ridiculous since it would only be for five months at that rate. It also means that the days i'm able to work in my temporary situation are reduced to at most four, more likely three. I'm going to be broke. That, piled on top of my stress about getting into the program i want (of 70 applicants last year, they accepted 10), my anxiety about change in general, and the complete lack of order i'm stuck with for the next eight months, put me over the edge. At that moment, i really understood why people become alcoholics. I picked a. up at work since i was down there anyway, and she was finishing up around the same time. She spent the entire 30 minute ride home calming me down, reassuring me that i'll be great at this, and helping me figure out a plan to organize my life a little. I love her. What would i do without her as my faux older sister? I'd be s.o.l., that's what.


And said...

Oh Steph! I've been so proud of you recently and even though you had a breakdown, you really seem to have everything together. I am confident you will get into the program and things will work out for you.

Nora said...

No one can follow their dreams without some minor break downs. Seriously!!! Everyone has them. You'll do great. If it wasn't scary, it wouldn't be worth it. Do you think they just hand out the good jobs? That's why it's worth it!

Evil said...

is et#1's breakdown contagious? stay away! hope things are looking up, steph!

stephanie said...

Thanks everyone. It's good to know that you all believe in me, even when I have my doubts!

Artist Statement said...

Hey- Everyone I know pays there dues sooner or later. It will soon pass and it will feel distant and like a minor time in your life. Hang in there. It will soon pass.

I know you will make it to your goals! You are just that way.

Louie Monkey-Pest said...

I have some good advice for people in your situation. Just remember "WWLMPD?"