

We all know that i wasn't the most knowledgeable about skin care. I blame it on the fact that i'm the oldest kid, and didn't have an older sister to teach me everything i needed to know about makeup, moisturizer, etc. Not that i was much help to my own little sister, but so it goes. Over the past few years, i've taken the initiative to learn about this stuff. I got a ton of help from a., and talked to enough people at clinique and sephora to learn all the necessary application techniques. I started using facial moisturizer twice a day, made sure it contained an adequate spf, and noticed how my face felt tight if it took me a little longer to get to it. I was on the right track, or so i thought. At some point a few days before christmas, i was walking past a mirror and noticed that i have dark under eye circles. It stopped me dead in my tracks. Up until that point, i may have noticed them, but thought it was just me- that all those hours of staring at myself in a magnified mirror just made them noticeable to me, not anyone else. I immediately accosted a., and asked her why she hadn't mentioned this to me. (She's in charge of telling me when something's not working right for me- mainly my hair. Once it starts losing it's shine, she'll tell me to start getting it colored. I'm dreading this day since it will cost me big, but i'm glad to know i won't be wondering around thinking my hair looks great when it's mousy and blah.) She shrugged and told me to get a specific under eye concealer from sephora, which i did. Right away. What i learned while there is that it actually is important to use an under eye lotion instead of using regular face lotion in the eye area. You need this because that skin's thin, sensitive, and has less oil glands than the rest of the skin. Using regular moisturizer doesn't help prevent wrinkles, can be too heavy which could cause little white dots (called milia), and won't help combat the dark under eye circles. Crap. How did i not know this? I even did a little online research, and found that this was the general consensus- get a good under eye cream and in a few years, you'll be glad you did. I don't want to have baggy, wrinkly, dark circled eyes in my 30's! Thinking about how much i wish i'd known this five years ago, i realized that i needed to make sure everyone else knew it too. If you don't want to shell out the big bucks right away, go to sephora and ask for a few samples of different kinds. They'll make you your own sample if they don't have sample sizes available. Just pretend you'll come back and buy the one you like best.


Evil said...

but men love baggy eyes.

stephanie said...

Is that what you've found evil? I didn't notice that you had baggy eyes.