

I went into starbucks yesterday, and there was a kind of long line. Because it was right in front of me, i started staring at this lady's hair. It looked horrible. It needed a serious moisture treatment, and a trim as well. She had something in it- like glue or flour paste- in one section on the back. It was pretty obvious, and i wondered why she didn't at least run a comb or brush through her hair if she wasn't taking a shower in the morning (it was 10:30am, at least). Then she reached over to the condiment containers, and grabbed a little packet of something. I thought it was mustard (ya- i wasn't thinking about where we were), and didn't realize that it wasn't until after she opened it and started sucking it all in while standing in line. Right...honey. Seems strange regardless of what was in it.


Evil said...

clearly a crazy woman! you should have citizens arrested her.

stephanie said...

Next time..if there is a next time.