

After a bumpy end to the year, i'm back on track with platelets! As you may recall, i had two months to get in four donations- the perfect amount of time since you're supposed to go in every other week. Then i would have made it to the max of twenty-four in a year, something i've never been able to do. Unfortunately, my veins decided not to cooperate, and after three weeks in a row of failed donations (and then a week or two with a cold), i'd made no more progress, and ended the year with a mere twenty donations. This year i decided to start out fresh, and after switching up the two veins they use, got a great first donation. That was a few weeks ago, and i'm already three successful donations into the new year! I also hit my ten gallon mark with eighty total donations. Wooo hoooo!


Evil said...

that's great! you are a good person. (unlike me.)

stephanie said...

I know that the only reason you're not coming to donate platelets with me is because you've recently traveled to a place that prohibits you from donating for a year. Otherwise you'd be all over it, i'm sure.

Evil said...

oh yes, handy excuse! thanks for reminding me! and after the year limit runs out, i still have other handy excuses, like how i am currently carrying about 12 diseases, including: smallpox, rabies, typhoid, and sloth.

stephanie said...

There are other things that ban you too; Spending time in jail. Trading drugs for sex or vica versa. Using a needle to take drugs not prescribed by a doctor. Having a tattoo, ear or skin piercing in the past year. Having sex with another man, even once since 1975 (or something). Or for the girls- having sex with a man who's had sex with another man even once since 1975. Living in england for more than five years. Being overseas as a member of the armed forces between certain years...the list goes on, and on, and on. To be honest with you, i'm surprised they let me donate!