I am finally setting up my very own blog. Who knew...just a few years ago the term "blog" meant nothing to me. While I knew it had to do with internet postings, I figured it was only for those computer savvy people out there. Fast forward to present time, and you find me addicted to no less than five blogs which I read religiously and cry when they're not updated regularly.
As an aside- if you can donate blood, you should. Whole blood donations take no time, and can be done every two months. That's 6 times a year, which would only add up to 3 hours total. Three hours to help save some lives. Come on now people- how can you make excuses when it's so easy to help. If you go to Children's Hospital Boston, you'll get a free gift- like a t-shirt with the "give pints for half-pints" logo. So cute.

Here are just a few of the note worthy highlights of earth fest:
- Went early with sister *j* and got lots of free stuff (whole foods’ bags, chips, cereal, a yummy spring mix salad, hats, pens, lots of variations of juice, dancing deer cookies, flowers, chocolate earths, cottage cheese, soap, etc.)
- The *ki’s* (high school friend and her husband who just happen to have the same initials) and I go check out the booths and as we head back to our blanket (with much pushing and shoving in the process), we arrive only to have *j* say, “Watch out for that guy. Seriously, he’s really drunk.” This is where it gets interesting- Right next to our blanket (and remember, we’re in really close quarters now so I’m talking super close) is an out-of-control drunk kid (dk) who keeps flailing around while his two friends try to control him. Everyone in the area has backed up, giving this kid a good 15 foot circle to flip out in. This kid is big. Not fat, but tall and really built. Then there’s this little kid (lk) who’s literally half the size of dk, who keeps egging him on. Dk keeps lunging at lk, punching him and knocking him to the ground. His poor sober friend (sf) tries to hold him back, and ends up wrestling him to the ground and holding him down by the neck. Dk tries to throw sf off of him, and sf essentially strangles dk until he passes out. I’m not quite sure where the police or paramedics are at this point, but they’re not with us. Sf apologizes to everyone in the area (seriously- I felt really bad for him) and he and another kid get dk up and out of the area. ** Several people mentioned to sf that his friend needed help- I’m sure he had alcohol poisoning- hopefully he got some (help that is). *mk* showed up immediately after this all went down. I told her what she missed out on and I think she was sad.
**note- when the *ki’s* and I had recently tried to come through the crowd, we had to force our way through. For sf, dk, and the other kid, the crowd parted like the sea with moses (was it moses?). I guess no one wanted to be puked on.
- *mk* pointed out that there were lots of 20yr olds wearing entirely inappropriate clothing. Remember- it’s super hot and muggy out, and it poured for 15 mins straight. I was wearing a tank top and jeans (because all my shorts have mysteriously disappeared) and *mk*, and both *ki’s* were wearing tanks/t-shirts and shorts. These girls were all wearing their cute little skirts and fancy shirts and shoes, complete with matching accessories, fendi bags, and chanel sunglasses. Lordy, lordy.
- Oh, and my picnic blanket made its debut, although I was rather overprotective of it what with all the strangers trampling over it. It’s in the laundry as I write this.
The Hatch Shell when Brandi Carlile was on- before it got super crazy and crowded.
We left at the end of James Blundt. Frankly, I was scared to see what would happen when everyone left at the same time. So we squeezed our way out early and hung out on the Fielder bridge to listen to the end of his act. He was great.

I'm glad to have finished this guy and am now fully focused on finishing the picnic blanket. I work well with deadlines, and saturday is my deadline for finishing. This was originally because I planned to use it for the earth fest space saver, but the weather reports aren't looking good, so I may have to go with a tarp instead. I know I said I wouldn't go if it was rainy, but I'm far to invested now as I've gathered some music from iTunes and have been listening up. The way I look at it, the rainier it is, the fewer people I'll have to fight with for tarp space!


This is a picture of me, drawn by *e* on a placemat from the 50's diner. Notice the pig-like nose and the electroshock hair. I also have four fingers on the left hand, and six on the right; a fact you can't distinguish from the cropping of the photo. It does average out to five per hand, so we're doing well! I have to say, for a four year old, I don't think this is half bad. When I was that age, I specifically remember drawing feet sticking out of the top of the head. At first glance, people assumed they were antennae (which they did look like) and I often had to explain that they were legs. My people were super-people. They could flip upside down and still be able to walk on two feet! I learnt this from my friend Lauren (whose name I can post since I haven't seen her since we were five) and thought it was cool because she was cool . Now really- how popular can five year olds be? Now when I look back through the container of my childhood artwork my mom saved, I sometimes come across a person with four feet and smile.
"If you never change your mind, why have one?"
Good point. However, being a gemini, I already have much experience in the mind changing department. And really- that's not a fortune. It's more like a thoughtful statement. Written as a fortune, the above would read something like this:
"You will soon experience new changes in your current decision making process."
**For those of you working on your Chinese, today's word, duck, is"Ya-zi."
A recent post has to do with how hard a time he has waking up It's pretty funny- especially the part where he makes up stories and doesn't remember them later on. When we were in high school his alarm would go off and wake the whole house (minus our youngest brother who suffers from similar issues) and he would go on sleeping. He didn't even wake up enough to turn it off. So it became my job to wake him on my way back from the bathroom. (As I'm writing now, I realize that I'm not sure how he managed to wake up for school during his senior year when I was off at college. I guess that my Dad must have inherited my job.) I'd open his door, and yell enough to get him out of bed. Luckily, I never suffered any physical abuse or thrown objects as a result of this.
Our Dad was up relatively early to go to work, and was usually downstairs by the time we had to leave. One day I was angry with *b* for something, and "forgot" to wake him up. I got ready, went downstairs, and was on my out to the bus when our Dad asked where *b* was.
"I don't know." I said.
I can still see my Dad's eyes rolling as he heard the radio blaring and realized that I never woke him up. *B* had to ride his bike the three miles to school that day.
Maybe this was the training that eventually led to his current ability to bike very long distances (like 85 miles in 7 hours!). Maybe I should take some credit here?
*Meredith picks Derek. They have some great passionate sex. They fight a lot. They want to put in the effort to make this thing work, so they try moving in together. Maybe they even get a new dog (but find a new vet to take him to). They fight some more- Addison comes into the picture; Derek thinks he should have worked harder at their marriage. Blah..blah..blah...In the end, someone cheats, they break up, and Meredith's back in the unhealthy miserable state she used to be in.**
That's it. If she doesn't pick Finn (aka McVet) in the premiere I'm done. No more watching for me.
In Phoenix it's 110 degrees. Vegas has an average of 72 100 degree days each year, and it's near 100 right now. One of my best friends lives in San Diego, and sometimes I envy the constant 70 degree sunny weather there. But I have to say I love New England weather. I like every season for a while, and when I start to tire of one, it's on to the next. I think I'd get bored if the weather was so constant. Plus, there's no sledding in Vegas.
Hi everyone!
For those of you who don't yet know, I'm backpacking through Europe this August-Sept with my pal *tm*. I'm super excited and have been doing tons of research on places to see, etc. A couple of years ago I drove across country with my sister, and before we went, I e-mailed most of you asking for any ideas of places to see. We ended up seeing many great places that we would have missed had we not asked. So...I figured I'd try again!
We're probably flying in and out of Amsterdam, and then making a circular route through Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Czech Rep, Germany, Denmark, and maybe Austria, Luxem. and Greece. (I'm probably missing a few places in here.) We're doing it as cheaply as possible without sleeping with rodents- so the whole hostel, Eurail, backpack thing. If any of you have favorite places to visit, hostels to stay in (or better yet- know people who live there and would like some company!!!) or other insider info (tips on what to bring/not bring, etc), I would be so happy to hear it. Also, if any of you are looking for a place to vacation, I say go to Europe and we'll meet up with you! We'll be leaving here August 5,6,7th-ish, and staying for at least four weeks (hopefully more).
If you don't have Europe experience (at least of the backpacking sort) but know someone who does, please pass this e-mail along to them so they can share their wisdom!
I hope you're all doing well, and thanks for your ideas!
So anyway- I figured I'd post it here to in hopes of reaching a broader audience. (My friends are great, but haven't traveled as extensively as I'm sure they'd like!) I'm also having a huge problem picking out the best backpack for me. I'll talk more about that later.
Sunday May 7th, 6:45pm. *tm* and I head over to the Forest Hills end of the orange line to catch a ride downtown to see Wicked. Usually there's a T hanging out on the tracks just waiting for people to board, but today we have to wait for a few minutes before one pulls in. It's decently full (for the end of a line at least) and we wait as people exit the car. An older women pushing a cart full of crap was one of the last people to disembark, followed by her husband. At first glance, I thought she was homeless, but after noticing the mans shirt and hat (a Matty in the morning Kiss 108 freebie) I realized that they had just finished the Walk for Hunger, and were returning home. (Or maybe they were homeless, but had scored some freebies anyway.) The man was saying something to someone on the T, but I wasn't really paying attention. So, *tm* and I hop on just as they make the announcement that the "doors will close and reopen momentarily". As the doors close, a man in our car gets up from his seat, and says something to the older man like "Watch yourself old man. I'll slit your throat from ear to ear". (Actually, both *tm* and I thought he said "here to here" instead of "ear to ear" (and thus the name of this blog) but after further consideration, we decided that he must have said "ear to ear" since he was making the motion with his hand.) To top this off, he was tapping a razor blade on the T window- you know...the kind where the blade is pushed up from the handle. I was about to get up and run for my life (after all, we all know what happens when you're forced to testify against a crazed gang murderer) when he packed his stuff up, got off the T and was questioned by a T official.
Needless to say, we took a cab home.