

Have you ever checked out answers.com? It's the site google links to for definitions. So when I was checking out wazoo, I noticed the little volume icon next to the pronunciation of the word in question. I clicked on it and low and behold, a voice said wazoo! "This is cool!" I thought, and entered in other words to hear the computer's pronunciation. Sometimes a man responds, and other times a woman. I like the mans voice better- especially the way he says inappropriate and chicken. I quickly found that there were some words for which the volume icon was not available. Most likely because people like me would think it was funny and abuse the feature for our own amusement. I've tested out a bunch of words, and so far have not found any "normal" words which don't have the icon next to them. So when you have some free time, see if you can find any, and get back to me.

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