

It has now been raining for five days straight, and doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon. According to the weather channel, it's supposed to be rainy for another 10 days (and who knows if it'll stop then; that's just as far in advance as they go online). I'm not saying that I've never been through periods of rain, but this is getting ridiculous. It's not just sprinkling either, it's darn steady, and there's currently a flood watch in effect. The baby grass I seeded a week or two ago is the only one happy with this weather! Our neighbors gutters are full, and water is pouring over making it sound like it's raining even harder than it is. I remember when we were younger, my brother and I would go outside in our bathing suits and take "showers" under the overflowing gutters. I even brought out a bottle of shampoo once and lathered up. I'm sure all that muddy gutter water really made my hair sparkle.

In Phoenix it's 110 degrees. Vegas has an average of 72 100 degree days each year, and it's near 100 right now. One of my best friends lives in San Diego, and sometimes I envy the constant 70 degree sunny weather there. But I have to say I love New England weather. I like every season for a while, and when I start to tire of one, it's on to the next. I think I'd get bored if the weather was so constant. Plus, there's no sledding in Vegas.

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