

Finally...a day without rain! I feel like I really took advantage of it too- something I don't always do. I did a quick workout at the gym today to keep ahead of the competition (we have contests at my gym every so often to help motivate people). Then I mowed the lawn which had grown quite thick and long thanks to our monsoon like rains. Then I met up with *ja* and *ki* and we went to coolidge corner for lunch (at Zaftigs..mmmmm) and poking. I went to high school with both of them, but hadn't seen *ki* since we graduated (which, shockingly enough, was 10 years ago...TEN YEARS!!! I really don't feel old enough, nor do I feel that I've accomplished enough, to have finished high school soooo long ago. Our reunion will probably be in November, which means I have six months to get it together.) After lunch, I hung out at the park with my little pals. Surprisingly, there weren't nearly as many kids there as there should have been on the first sunny day in over a week. A few days ago *e* asked if we could go to the park. I looked at her and said "*e*, it's pouring out!" She didn't seem concerned. Apparently she had asked to go bike riding at some point during the weekend. I figure she must have gotten so fed up with the rain that she decided it would be best to go about her life as usual...just with boots and a raincoat on. Ahhhh...to be four again.

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