I am finally setting up my very own blog. Who knew...just a few years ago the term "blog" meant nothing to me. While I knew it had to do with internet postings, I figured it was only for those computer savvy people out there. Fast forward to present time, and you find me addicted to no less than five blogs which I read religiously and cry when they're not updated regularly.

I'll leave you with a picture of my 7 year old self making the scariest face I have ever seen. I literally took a picture of the television, thus the lines and grainy quality.



Here's a picture of the four of us (*b*, *j*, *k*, me) on the world's smallest suspension bridge in the public gardens. We took it yesterday with my camera and little tripod on our day in boston. We all like it, although *j* thinks her eyes are closed. I told her that they aren't closed, just narrow, and that's what they usually look like in pictures. I asked her if she even knew what she looked like. She said that people like themselves in the mirror better than in photos.
*Update (9:47am, 12/25/06)*: By 12:45am, no bag, no call, so *b* phoned the info line again (and stayed on hold for 25 mins) only to end up unable to contact the delivery company. After swearing to kill several people and their families, he cut his losses and went to bed. Hopefully it will show up today, but who knows at this rate. The ridiculous thing is that if they hadn't told him the bag had already been picked up when he called after lunch, (which it hadn't been) we could have swung by there on our way home. We were downtown already, and could have made it there in 15 mins or so. Hopefully he'll get some money for the stuff he had to buy in the meantime.
*Update 2 (2:58pm, 12/26/06)*: He called the airlines again on christmas morning, and talked to a much less understanding lady. He explained the situation- how he had been told it would arrive by 1am, and it never came- and she snapped back at him, "What's done it done. The drivers are having their christmas dinner, and it will get there when it gets there." Obviously she wasn't happy to be working on christmas (who would be?) but seriously...the amount of crap that he had to put up with throughout the whole ordeal should have gained him some apologies, however insincere. The suitcase arrived around 4pm, with all the presents in tow. Part of my mom's present was broken, but some super glue took care of that.
*better= shows that are more enjoyable for me. Not necessarily "better" quality shows.


From: ss
To: ja, nn, mk, ns, ac, tm, ki, km
Date: Dec 15, 2006 7:46PM
Subject: Re: rsvp?
This is funny. I was just writing down who was coming so I could figure it
out, and I came up with 10 girls. I freaked out a little because I'd previously
counted only 9, but I hadn't actually written anything down- just went over it
in my head. So then I freaked out again because that meant that I had to tell
everyone to make an extra ornament less than 24 hours before the party (and I'm
sure you've all finished yours several weeks ago). I briefly considered
giving up the ones I'd get, but since I'm probably the one most excited about
them, it would be too much of a sacrifice. So I figured I might as well
send an e-mail out asap so you could all get to work, and as I checked the
e-mail addresses against my list, I couldn't figure out who wasn't on the e-mail
list. Finally, (and I'm talking several times back and forth here) I realized
that I wrote one name down twice on my invite list. HA!
So it all worked out in the long run. Everyone will get a set, and now, they'll only have nine to make tomorrow instead of ten!

(So that's it up there. The beginnings of a nice, big bruise. You can't really tell, but there's a huge bump sticking out the side towards the camera. Pretty soon that will settle down, and all that blood will spread throughout my arm. It's exciting to think of what it will end up like. I'll put another picture up once it reaches its peak.)

*Update. My high score is now 139.
*For some reason, I couldn't embed the video directly into this post. I think blogger's acting up again.
- Heat up sugar to make syrup.
- Use the syrup to attach the pieces of gingerbread. Careful! Hot sugar will burn you!
- Hold the pieces together until the sugar solidifies. Then pull all the stringy pieces off and put them back in the pot.
- By now, forty-five minutes have passed and all four houses should be put together. Spend a few minutes running your burnt fingers under cold water.
- Have kids open all the candy and dump into bowls while you melt butter and cream on the stove. Add some confectionery sugar and vanilla, beat with the mixer, and you have some darn good frosting.
- Spread frosting over one roof section of each house. In thirty seconds, half the candy's gone, and they're all asking for more frosting.
- Frost the other side of the roof and the chimney. *e* pushes too hard on the roof, and one of the short walls breaks. Fix it with frosting, and tell her to be gentle.
- Make some more frosting so they can decorate the walls too. See *e* cramming candy in her mouth when she thinks you're not looking.
- Add some frosting to *m's* roof to keep some gumdrops from falling off.
- *e* crushes her entire house. It's reduced to a pile of gingerbread rubble. Surprisingly, she's not upset. Apparently the fact that she can still eat it outweighs any dissapointment at the disaster.
- Put the finished creations on the counter and have the kids clean up the table and the leftover candy. (All two pieces of it.)
- Send the kids off and start to clean up the disaster of a kitchen.
There you have it. You too can be the proud owner of some fancy schmancy gingerbread houses. It reminded me of when we used to make one for christmas every year. My dad would make the dough from scratch and cut out the pieces. He'd put it together, and my siblings and I would fancy that thing up with a necco wafer roof, m+m windows and a menage of trees, steps, etc. It was a beauty. People would nibble on the gingerbread, but mainly eat the candy off of it. We stopped making this several years ago, and it was sad. Very sad.