

Today was the christmas assembly at the girls school. The whole classes K-2 through 3 each read a poem and sang a song, and then the ensemble and choir (of kids classes 4-12) played carols. It was very festive. That's one nice thing about private schools- they can celebrate christmas if they want to. I understand the rational behind taking holiday celebrations out of public schools, but it makes me sad. I remember being in tenth grade and having to do some group writing project in english about winter solstice celebrations. Every group had to do something different, so our group picked christmas. We'd gotten a good deal through the paper when our teacher told us we had to switch to something else. It was right around the time the whole holiday political correctness came about. Luckily, since we'd completed a large portion of the paper, we were allowed to continue with it, as long as we stuck in some stuff about kwanzaa and chanukah.

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