

Here's the background info. Every year since 2003 (and once in 1999), I have a christmas dinner party with an ornament exchange. Each couple has to make (yup-handmake) a predetermined number of identical ornaments. Then we each give one to everyone else, and go home with a brand-spanking-new set. As you may know from reading previous posts, I love ornaments, and look forward to coming up with, and making my set each year. Not everyone shares my excitement, and I know that it causes more stress and last minute rushing for many of them. In the end, I hope that most of them are glad to have done it. I've heard about people putting up their ornaments from previous years and being happy to have them, so that bodes well. Anyway, here's the e-mail I sent out that you needed the background info for.

From: ss
To: ja, nn, mk, ns, ac, tm, ki, km
Date: Dec 15, 2006 7:46PM
Subject: Re: rsvp?

This is funny. I was just writing down who was coming so I could figure it
out, and I came up with 10 girls. I freaked out a little because I'd previously
counted only 9, but I hadn't actually written anything down- just went over it
in my head. So then I freaked out again because that meant that I had to tell
everyone to make an extra ornament less than 24 hours before the party (and I'm
sure you've all finished yours several weeks ago). I briefly considered
giving up the ones I'd get, but since I'm probably the one most excited about
them, it would be too much of a sacrifice. So I figured I might as well
send an e-mail out asap so you could all get to work, and as I checked the
e-mail addresses against my list, I couldn't figure out who wasn't on the e-mail
list. Finally, (and I'm talking several times back and forth here) I realized
that I wrote one name down twice on my invite list. HA!

So it all worked out in the long run. Everyone will get a set, and now, they'll only have nine to make tomorrow instead of ten!

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