I am finally setting up my very own blog. Who knew...just a few years ago the term "blog" meant nothing to me. While I knew it had to do with internet postings, I figured it was only for those computer savvy people out there. Fast forward to present time, and you find me addicted to no less than five blogs which I read religiously and cry when they're not updated regularly.

I somehow started talking about my wine glasses i found for my cocktail party. Most of you have seen them (and have had a drink out of them by now), but for those of you who haven't, here's the story. I wanted to have real glasses (as opposed to plastic) at my party, and was considering renting them. On a whim (after hearing portia and shirl talk about it) i stopped by the christmas tree shop to see if they had anything promising. As it turned out, they had a special shipment of speigelau glasses for $1.99 each. I happened to have a coupon for 20% off the total, so after going to three different cts, i scored 33 glasses for $1.60 each- cheaper than i could have rented them for. And they're not just regular thick-rimmed glasses. Because i've been spoiled by drinking great wine out of fancy glasses, i now have trouble enjoying anything from a non-crystal glass (crystal glasses have thin, even rims, and glass glasses have thicker, less even rims). So these babies are nice crystal with fantastic rims and a great ring. I love them.

This all came about a few weeks ago when i mentioned that i was scared to cook fish, and someone suggested we add cooking to our planned sleepover. It's funny. I'm great with soup- can make anything following the recipe or improvising- i've never been intimidated by it. Fish though, probably because i was never a huge fan of it, has always been a little scary. So they came to help and it turned out great! We even had a good breakfast in the morning. Portia made the blueberry muffins i missed out on last time! Next is shirl's turn. We're making homemade pasta and some sort of sauce- can't remember what kind right now.
During one of our haymarket trips, our waitress at mike's commented on my wallet (which is...surprise, surprise...orla kiely). She told me about a store around the corner, shake the tree, which sells orla stuff, so saturday morning we zipped in. I love this place. Not only did she have orla bags, but also great housey stuff, some clothes, jewelry, perfume, and a bunch of beautiful leather bags. After my second loop in the store, i saw it....the most beautifully perfect clutch ever.
It managed to be neutral, but with personality. I was in love (especially with the four fun finger holes!). As it so happened, my grandmother had sent me a check for christmas. While the sensible thing may have been to put it in savings (since my income for the next six months will be $0), i wanted to get something special with it so i would think of her when i used it. Until i saw this clutch, the runner up was a le creuset pot. Not the case any longer. I'm now the proud owner of this new favorite. Thanks grandma!
I knew the black one would serve me well for years to come, but thought that my next purchase in the bag department would be a brown clutch. Then i'd have all my bases covered. As luck would have it, i opened this christmas present from my friend cindy tonight...
How creepy is that!!! She's always been a great gift giver, but this was almost eerie. It's another perfectly me bag. It's kind of olivey/brown, and the top part folds over and is held closed with two hidden magnets. Now i'm going to have to go out more to use these new members of my little family! Here they are together- the brown one closed and the black's strap tucked in.