

Yesterday was my first internship day. Last night i slept for almost 10 hours. I was tired. I even slept a full 8 hours monday night (before my first day) but the mere act of getting up at 7am started me off on the tired side. Despite being tired, my day was great! It started off meeting with my two supervisors and reviewing info and expectations. Next was pet therapy- a little dog came to visit patients. Then i zipped up to occupational health for four shots- a tb test, the flu shot, tdap, and hep b (the first in the series). My arms are sore today. We caught the inauguration, then off to a meeting with a child psychiatrist to discuss patients for an hour. From there i had an hour break for lunch, and finished up reviewing diagnoses and tests. Shirl was at mgh earlier, and was nice enough to spend two hours on charles street so we could meet for drinks at bin 26. Rob met us an hour later and we had a tasty dinner. So fun!


Nora said...

What a great first day Steph. I'm glad, it seems like it's all going according to plan and going well. Way to go!

portia said...

Glad it went well Steph!