

Last night i saw slumdog millionaire. Yes, it was as good as everyone says it is. Yes, you should go see it now if you haven't yet. It was playing at coolidge corner at 3:30 and 9:55. I couldn't rally to make the earlier one, but convinced eva to go with me to the later one. She had class until 9:30, so i'd leave at 9:10, pick her up on the way, and make it with time to spare. At 9pm, i checked in on facebook. My friend angela was on, so i im-ed her to say a quick hi. I've known her for 11 years, and though i don't see her often anymore, we've stuck with our once a year oscar party. This february will be year 11. It's tradition now, but it's also a fail-safe way to see each other at least once a year. I mentioned that i was leaving to see slumdog millionaire, and she mentioned that she wanted to see it too, so i picked her up along the way!
I somehow started talking about my wine glasses i found for my cocktail party. Most of you have seen them (and have had a drink out of them by now), but for those of you who haven't, here's the story. I wanted to have real glasses (as opposed to plastic) at my party, and was considering renting them. On a whim (after hearing portia and shirl talk about it) i stopped by the christmas tree shop to see if they had anything promising. As it turned out, they had a special shipment of speigelau glasses for $1.99 each. I happened to have a coupon for 20% off the total, so after going to three different cts, i scored 33 glasses for $1.60 each- cheaper than i could have rented them for. And they're not just regular thick-rimmed glasses. Because i've been spoiled by drinking great wine out of fancy glasses, i now have trouble enjoying anything from a non-crystal glass (crystal glasses have thin, even rims, and glass glasses have thicker, less even rims). So these babies are nice crystal with fantastic rims and a great ring. I love them.


Evil said...


stephanie said...

Ya, and when i looked them up online, the cheapest i could find them for was $44 for 4, so $11 each!

portia said...

Yes I love these glasses. And our sleepovers. And the new blog colors. I love it all!

Evil said...

what happens at these sleepovers? do you prank call boys that you have a crush on?