How much would this hurt?
I am finally setting up my very own blog. Who knew...just a few years ago the term "blog" meant nothing to me. While I knew it had to do with internet postings, I figured it was only for those computer savvy people out there. Fast forward to present time, and you find me addicted to no less than five blogs which I read religiously and cry when they're not updated regularly.
I'm embarrased to tell you that I kind of like this song. Okay....I really like it. How can this happen? I pride myself on being a good music chooser. I feel like my music taste is very solid, and isn't easily influenced by outside forces. You know when you were a teenager and you flipped back and forth between what you liked and didn't like? There was probably a point at one time or another when you couldn't say what you really liked because you were so concerned with what was cool that you'd lost touch with what you thought. I feel like my music taste never went through this stage. Sure, I like some of the more well known groups (jack johnson, etc) but I also "discovered" Train before most people on the east coast had even heard of them. So. This new interest in a bad song, sung by a bad girl, written by (probably) a bad person, is just unacceptable. Maybe I should download it and listen to it over and over again so I get sick of it faster. Ya...maybe that's what I'll do.
On a related note, while waiting in line at the pharmacy at one brookline place today, the pharmacist was very excited to announce (to anyone who would listen) that Pedro was in there 30 mins before, and signed a red sox lottery ticket for the pharmacist. He was more excited than a little kid on christmas morning.

First of all, there are two different creatures that are referred to as daddy longlegs. The "real" daddy longlegs live until logs and rocks, and apparently aren't often seen. The little guys that we call daddy longlegs are actually cellar spiders, but are so often confused with daddy longlegs that spider guys now refer to them as "daddy longlegs spiders" to differentiate from the real daddy longlegs.
Now on to the technical differences. Arachnida is a main animal category, and there are different subgroups (orders) within this category.

How's that for an answer Evil?
**I think that I must live under a log or rock, because the "real" daddy longlegs (the top picture) are what I think of when I hear "daddy longlegs". I don't recall seeing this "daddy longlegs spider" guy at all. He's kind of ugly.

On a similar note- I got my backpack! I'm not sure if I posted about this yet. I don't think so. I had been on a search for the perfect backpack for quite some time (like since last August when we first started thinking about the trip). At first I was all for travel packs which are built more for the backpacking/hostel type of trip. They have front panel access and often have a detachable daypack which zippers or clips onto the front of the pack. I decided that I wanted a smaller pack than the normal traveler, and was having a hard time finding a travel pack that was in the 50-55 liter range that had the daypack. Most of them were around 65-70 liters. Then I talked with a guy at EMS who recommended I buy a hiking backpack instead because the structure is much more comfortable than in travel packs. (ie- the weight is much closer to your body in a vertical style as opposed to the more horizontal weight dispersion in travel packs.) Good point. I still was having trouble finding the perfect pack- the size would be right, but it was top access, or the design was good, but the pack was ugly (superficial I know, but I am not spending this kind of money on a hideous pack that I have to live out of for a month). I said to *tm* at one point that I wanted the right pack to just pop out at me- everything about it would be just what I wanted. I think I equated it to the perfect man or something. So, my sister and I went to Hilton's Tent City on my birthday, and that's exactly what happened! My new pack is an Osprey Switch 55. It's technically marketed as a snowy weather pack (for hiking around in the wilderness with your skis or something) but it's perfect for what I need it for. It has a nifty back panel access (like front panel, except people can't sneak into it as easily) a water bladder insulator, is red, is 55 liters tops, has a removable daypack!!! So exciting!

Mmmm...dirty cow mouth. It's amazing what kids will do. Actually, what's more amazing is the fact that they don't get sick more often.



I made my first mojito of the season last night. I have some mint in the garden that I rooted from my aunt's house on the cape last year. I also bought a muddler at Sur La Table which is made for mashing up mint leaves and the like. Superfine sugar, rum, seltzer, and lime juice make it a super-duper warm summer drink. We ran out of limes though, so I had to use a lemon. There wasn't too much of a difference, but I do prefer the limes when I get to pick. It was delicious. I love summer.


Our little brother *k* would get a full blown workout playing nintendo. He used to reenact the movements of Mario or Luigi, and could be seen jumping continuously while jerking to the right or left. His pre-adolescent Mickey Mouse voice also came into play when he was particularly excited. When his time ran out, he was sweating like a grown-man after running a marathon; I'm not sure why my mom felt he needed to go outside to get exercise.

I guess that I like blue more than I thought! Now I just have to figure out what to make with this new found bounty. And I have to plan a crafty day soon. Any interest?
So..I can't remember what I was going to write about yesterday, but today I'm going to write about my new career. Some of you may be under the impression that I'm applying to grad school for my masters in statistics. Well, I hate to break it to you this way, but I've found my calling. I am going to be a cake decorator. I will, of course, require the assistance of two small girls. I feel that this will be a positive direction for me (and one that does NOT require the mastering of multivariable calculus!) because it incorporates many of the qualities which I find rewarding in any task; it is creative, the time between beginning and completing is limited, the final product is tangible and quite satisfying, and I have access to free labor! Here is a picture of my first try. Quite "wedding-cake-esque," no?

I went to the gym, and one of the trainers (who organizes all the challenges) told me that I had won the most recent challenge, and that she had nominated me for tlc's What Not to Wear. According to her, I had been secretly filmed for 2 weeks. I was confused. Wasn't this supposed to be a surprise? Weren't Stacy and Clinton supposed to show up and embarrass me in front of lots of people? The trainer said that I'd have to act surprised when they arrived with the cameras. I was so excited about this (it's been a real-life dream of mine to get on that show), and yet at the same time, I knew that I was dreaming. Surely enough, I woke up and was sad to realize that Stacy and Clinton weren't going to show up and give me $5000 to hand myself over "body, mind, and wardrobe."
Feel free to jump in here if you're familiar with dream analysis. There are several things wrong with this dream, but what bothers me most is this; how on earth could the trainer have nominated me when she's only seen me in gym clothes? How could she know how truly wrong my clothing choices are when I'm just wearing t-shirts, gym pants/shorts, and sneakers? I realize that there are those people who spend a small fortune on athletic gear, but really...that just tells me they have way too much money. In fact, I think that I dress nicer than many others who show up to work-out. My former gym buddy *tm* once saw a woman working out in her underwear and nylons. When she told me this, I thought the woman must have been wearing some sort of leotard (in the '80s style as I've seen others wear), but *tm* insisted that this woman was wearing underwear- like she had gone to work, stopped at the gym on the way home only to realize that she didn't have a change of clothes, and just whipped of her skirt and worked out anyway. Unbelievable.
**By the way. Anyone who is interested in nominating me for the show in real-life; you're more than welcome (in fact encouraged) to do so. I'll even arrange for you to have unlimited access to my sad closet, and will pretend to know nothing about it when filming begins!

Today is *kc's* birthday. Happy birthday *kc*!! I used to babysit for her when she was a kid. Once when she wasn't doing what she was supposed to be doing, I told her I'd give her a wedgie if she didn't start listening. She didn't, and I picked her up by her underwear. They ripped. It was pretty darn funny. Last year for her birthday, I bought her some Sesame Street underwear from Target. You know the ones- they're boyshort type with a little elmo or bigbird on the front. I tried to find a pair to link to, but had no luck. Anyway- it was pretty funny.

The Red Sox were off tonight, and there was nothing to watch, so I switched on the Spelling Bee on ABC while I finished folding laundry. Now I'm the first person to make fun of these shows- after all, how interesting can it be to watch a bunch of nerdy kids spell words I've never even heard of. Strangely enough, I found myself completely drawn in to this show. I felt an attachment to the girl who was booted out, only to be brought back in when the judges realized that she had spelt the word correctly. She didn't win the whole thing, but she made the final three (all of whom were girls). I even liked the nerdy boy who was predicted to win. His favorite word is the same one that my own brother used to flaunt at age 7; pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. I'm proud to say that I can pronounce this word (after just a little coaching from *b*). With this new interest in spelling bees, I may just go see that movie "Akeelah and the Bee" which I previously thought would be stupid. I'll let you know what I think.