

I picked up a new playstation game the other day- We *heart* Katamari. I played the original version in October and loved it, but it was on my brothers projection tv screen, and I felt incredibly motion sick in a very short period of time. Since my television isn't nearly as large, and I was looking for some fun, I thought I'd give it another try. This game is incredibly entertaining. The concept seems so simple it's almost silly- you're a little prince guy who rolls a ball (katamari) around different places which rolls up objects increasing in size as the katamari grows. So you start off being able to roll up little things- paperclips or matchbooks, and eventually can roll up people, buildings, etc. The idea is to get the katamari as big as possible and then the "king" puts the katamari into the universe to create planets, stardust or satellites. The part of this game that appeals to me the most is the cleaning-up aspect. I tend to be a bit anal about clutter and messiness, so pushing a ball around and rolling up as many things as possible is very satisfying. It's like free therapy.

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