

I'm embarrased to tell you that I kind of like this song. Okay....I really like it. How can this happen? I pride myself on being a good music chooser. I feel like my music taste is very solid, and isn't easily influenced by outside forces. You know when you were a teenager and you flipped back and forth between what you liked and didn't like? There was probably a point at one time or another when you couldn't say what you really liked because you were so concerned with what was cool that you'd lost touch with what you thought. I feel like my music taste never went through this stage. Sure, I like some of the more well known groups (jack johnson, etc) but I also "discovered" Train before most people on the east coast had even heard of them. So. This new interest in a bad song, sung by a bad girl, written by (probably) a bad person, is just unacceptable. Maybe I should download it and listen to it over and over again so I get sick of it faster. Ya...maybe that's what I'll do.

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