I am finally setting up my very own blog. Who knew...just a few years ago the term "blog" meant nothing to me. While I knew it had to do with internet postings, I figured it was only for those computer savvy people out there. Fast forward to present time, and you find me addicted to no less than five blogs which I read religiously and cry when they're not updated regularly.

I've always been curious about this. It seems like you would wake yourself up if this was the case, but who knows. Here's the research:
"Sneezing is a reflex to odorants in the nasal cavity-- meaning that it's an uncontrollable physical response to an outside stimulus. When an odorant stimulates nerve endings in the epithelial lining of the nasal cavity, the stimulus travels to the CNS (central nervous system) and is then sent back to the muscles of the face, throat and chest via the ventral ganglia/spinal motor nerves. So basically when stimulated, the muscles go to work and cause us to expel air from the mouth and nose--aka, a sneeze. Since the nasal epithelium swells when we lie down, it's much more sensitive to a sneeze. It's intuitive to think that this would seem that sneezing would be more likely during sleep. There is a big but though...Since there isn't much airflow in most bedrooms at night, and very little movement to stir up dust and other particles, the nose does not come into contact with as many odorants as it does during the day. Additionally, the area of the brain responsible for the reflexive actions is relaxed while asleep. So, even when a particle does touch the nasal epithelium, the brain doesn't notice, and we don't sneeze."
I think some people do sneeze while asleep, but it's not that common for the reasons given above. I buy it. My room's like a cave at night- no airflow at all!
They were in colorado skiing for a week, during which they had most of the floors sanded and stained in their house. I picked them up at the airport at 5:15 am on easter morning. We all went back to sleep until 10, and then started moving massive quantities of furniture back where they belonged. They decided not to drive to nh for the family easter celebration for several reasons, so i volunteered to take the girls along with me.
They were very well behaved, and i was proud. After eating a good meal, they cleared the dishes, and m. washed, dried and put away all the silver without being asked. This job usually falls on kevin and me, so we were extra excited. I can see the benefit of having kids around. They were thoroughly entertained by my cousin katherine (who was viewed as the super cool 24 yr old) and my brother kevin (who bore the brunt of their craziness). They also helped me search for my easter basket which the easter bunny hides every year. This was the only tricky part of the day. Kevin is the youngest kid around our house, and he's 21. It's therefore been years since we've believed in a certain long eared fuzzy friend, and everyone had gotten sloppy about how they talked of him. There were several slips that were hopefully covered up quick enough, though i wouldn't bet on it. Hopefully they won't remember this as the easter they stopped believing!!
In the french alphabet, w is pronounced "double v". This seems appropriate since the w looks more like vv than uu. I've always wished we could fix it in the english language, but first decided to look up the reason why we say double-u. Here's what i found:
“English uses the Latin alphabet of the Romans. However, this had no letter suitable for representing the phoneme /w/ which was used in Old English, though phonetically the sound represented by /v/ was quite close. In the 7th century scribes wrote uu for /w/; later they used the runic symbols known as wynn. European scribes had continued to write uu, and this usage returned to England with the Norman Conquest in 1066. Early printers sometimes used vv for lack of a w in their type. The name double-u recalls the former identity of u and v, which is also evident in a number of cognate words (flour/flower, guard/ward, suede/Swede, etc.).”
I suppose it makes sense.

I decided to try street parking before the valet, and due to construction in the center, ended up a good ways down mass ave (about 3/4 mile according to mapmyrun). I did get a spot, and got a nice walk in before sitting down to eat for several hours. On my way past cambridge commons, i noticed a dog running large, fast ovals around his owner. It was 8pm- so dark- and i couldn't figure out how he was staying in such a consistent loop without a leash. It looked like the guy was holding a flashlight, but he wasn't. It was a laser, and the dog was chasing the beam. Pretty smart, or pretty lazy. The dog looked like he had a boatload of energy, so it was definitely an efficient way to use some of it up.
2 eggs
1 T melted butter
2/3 cup milk
1 t vanilla
2 cups flour
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 t baking powder
1/2 cup chocolate chips
We greased the cookie sheet, stretched the dough out, and cooked it at 350 for about 25 mins. It was interesting- kind of a mix between dense bread and a cookie. Pretty tasty, actually. I guess they came up with something once that was a lot better, and tasted like cinnamon bread. It cracks me up that these two little kids pay enough attention to their mom that they can round up a sensible list of ingredients by themselves, and use reasonable measurements. Maybe we should start keeping track of their recipes, and put a book out with the best stuff. It could be a real money maker!
"Sortie a droite, puis, sortie a gauche."
"Dans huit pointe deux milles, sortie a droite."
The interesting thing was that it used sortie (which means output, exit, leave, etc) instead of tournez (turn). Makes sense when you're talking about exits on a highway, but not so much with regular turns on the street. I'd really like to beef up my french again. I've always wished i'd done a semester abroad over there to really become fluent. Maybe if i don't get into any grad programs for next fall, i'll move to france for a year. That'd do the trick!
In the past, this has only been a problem. When loved ones have died, i've never quite accepted it, and can't connect my life that they were a part of, to my life that they're not here for. While i'm sure this is something i'll (unfortunately) become more familiar with, i don't know how much easier it will become. What i have found, is that this denial to accept reality can be useful.
I'm loving my two volunteer days at mgh. Loving them. Today in particular was a day i felt like i was so perfect for this job, even just the basic volunteer aspects. I knew that the days of the children i spent time with, along with their parents, were made a little bit easier by my being there. Right before i started my volunteer hours, i was so worried about my ability to spend time with and comfort children who were sick- some terminally. I mentioned my doubts to a., who immediately assured me that i would be fine- that i'd treat these kids just as i'd treat m. or l. or e., like normal kids. That was enough to calm me down and get me in there, and it turned out she was right. I know that most of the kids i've met will be fine. They'll get through their illness, go home, and live normal lives. I also know that some kids will not. They'll suffer through treatment after treatment, and eventually die. Consciously i know this, but luckily, i don't believe it. I still expect some miracle to occur, because no child i know could actually be allowed to die. This denial is what allows me to treat them as normal kids, which is exactly what they want.
- the smell of baby dolls (like cabbage patch babies) that have that special powder scent to them. It takes me back to my early years when all i had to worry about was which outfit to dress them in.
I dislike:
-kathy griffin. Not really a something, but a someone. Her sense of humor makes me irrationally angry, almost as much as her voice. It's beyond me why anyone finds her amusing.
"Does anybody know how to screw?"
I was watching a baby/toddler at his condo, and realized just as the mom came home that i hadn't changed his diaper for the entire day (like 9 hours). I tried desperately to come up with a reason to change it without it looking suspicious. Luckily, she saved me by asking me to change him and put him in front of cable while she finished up a phone call. This was good, except for i didn't know where his room or diaper table was since i hadn't changed him all day. I couldn't ask, and the kid wasn't old enough to tell me, so i went searching. That's when i realized that the first floor of the condo was part of an office building, and there was no separation between the two. I passed the men's and women's room, and then realized that his room must be on the second floor. I walked back to the living room at which point l. showed up. I'm not sure what she was doing there, but i went along with it. We found the escalator, and started up to the second floor. I had the kid piggy back, and l. was in front of me. The escalator was pretty high, and there were large white geometric shapes hanging from the ceiling near us as decorations. All of a sudden, l. hops up on the railing, and jumps onto one of the shapes as quick as a fox. I freaked out, and yelled to her to come back. She was just skipping around on them, not worried at all, and said it was fun. Then the shapes started wiggling, and she got nervous. I kept trying to get her to come back, and eventually she jumped into the water (an ocean had mysteriously appeared along side the escalator by this point). The current was very strong, and waves kept pushing her away, but she managed to get close enough to grab one of my fingers. I pulled her in, safe and sound, and then my alarm went off. Disturbing.

It's e. when she was a little baby. (I won't black out her face since she looks completely different now, and it would defeat the purpose of posting the picture here.) It's 6"x9", so too big to put in one of my new frames, but i think i'll have to find a spot for it. Seriously- how hilarious is this? She looks so worried! There's even a little bubble of drool on her lower lip. Priceless.
happy birthday brian!!
Last year he kept forgetting it was his birthday- hope you didn't forget about it this year!
It's a statue of a golden foot being tickled with a feather by a golden hand. The best part's that the hand, foot and base are made of very heavy, solid material, and the feather's an actual feather- not a golden cast feather. Apparently nora almost choked on her gum when she saw it.
After leaving that store (with no purchases), we walked across the street to dsw and marshalls. We all got a pair of clearance shoes at dsw (mine are shiny blue!), and some gym clothes at marshalls- the theory being that buying new gym gear will motivate us to go to the gym. Despite not hiking, we got in lots of exercise. Both nora and i went to our gyms this morning while andrea trekked down to haymarket with et#1, and we must have walked miles and miles up and down aisles on our shopping trip. Also- the squats we got in while trying on many pairs of shoes will help tighten our glutes.