

Here's the dream that my alarm woke me from on sunday morning.
I was watching a baby/toddler at his condo, and realized just as the mom came home that i hadn't changed his diaper for the entire day (like 9 hours). I tried desperately to come up with a reason to change it without it looking suspicious. Luckily, she saved me by asking me to change him and put him in front of cable while she finished up a phone call. This was good, except for i didn't know where his room or diaper table was since i hadn't changed him all day. I couldn't ask, and the kid wasn't old enough to tell me, so i went searching. That's when i realized that the first floor of the condo was part of an office building, and there was no separation between the two. I passed the men's and women's room, and then realized that his room must be on the second floor. I walked back to the living room at which point l. showed up. I'm not sure what she was doing there, but i went along with it. We found the escalator, and started up to the second floor. I had the kid piggy back, and l. was in front of me. The escalator was pretty high, and there were large white geometric shapes hanging from the ceiling near us as decorations. All of a sudden, l. hops up on the railing, and jumps onto one of the shapes as quick as a fox. I freaked out, and yelled to her to come back. She was just skipping around on them, not worried at all, and said it was fun. Then the shapes started wiggling, and she got nervous. I kept trying to get her to come back, and eventually she jumped into the water (an ocean had mysteriously appeared along side the escalator by this point). The current was very strong, and waves kept pushing her away, but she managed to get close enough to grab one of my fingers. I pulled her in, safe and sound, and then my alarm went off. Disturbing.

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