

Even though i'm back in the states, i haven't felt like i've had much down time. The b's have been here the whole time (they leave tomorrow, boo), so when i haven't been working, i've been hanging out with them. This coming weekend kevin and i are driving down to the cape to meet my parents and julie for the weekend. Kevin and i will be there just for saturday and sunday, the rest of them will be there for a week. The following weekend i'll be in nyc. If evil hadn't skipped out, it could have been a good chance to meet up with the hose folks to give killerb his prize from china. As it stands, i'll be seeing "billy elliot" (which is supposed to be fantastic) with my aunt, and potentially heading to the hamptons on sunday for a two day visit with friends. Before i know it, school will be starting, and my internship will take up any remaining free time. If i hadn't spent two months bumming around in asia, i might be overwhelmed.


evil said...

drats! bummer to miss you when you're in nyc. but you can still meet up with the hosers if you want to! although i dont know why you would want to meet killerb. he's so arrogant and condescending (at least to me, he is).

Nora said...

you ARE a busy bee