

My new commute consists of taking public transportation for about an hour. I love it. It's become my "free" time where i get to read fun books (aka- not school related). I've already read three; unaccustomed earth, three cups of tea, and a map of the child (which was really a school book, but a fantastic read non-the-less). I used to get rather anxious being on the T with lots of people squished in, and wouldn't sit down if it meant touching people on either side of me. I've grown a lot since then, and now am thrilled to get any seat at the end of the day regardless of who i'm squished between. Recently though, i've been stuck with smokers. They seem to flock to me- sitting in front of me on the bus, plopping next to me on the T- and every time i catch a whiff, i want to throw up. I don't get why people still smoke now-a-days. It's so passe and everyone knows it'll kill you. I vote for separate substandard T cars that all the smelly people have to use. I don't need their stinkiness to rub off on me. Blah. 

1 comment:

And said...

Hahaha!! I agree!