

Grad school's great. I love having something i'm working towards, and love making new friends. The big thing that i'm not thrilled with is how abstract most of my classes are. I'm a concrete sequential big time, so the "read a ton of articles and share your point of view" format will take some getting use to. Two of the three courses that i've started (a fourth intensive class won't begin until late october) have several papers/projects/etc to make up the final grade. The third course, cross cultural perspectives on grief (yes, the same one i sat in on last fall), has one big paper that we work on the entire semester. The general idea is to find someone of a different cultural/religious background than ourselves and discuss how they experience grief through this different background (ie- religious ceremonies, cultural norms, etc). We come up with some sort of research question that we then answer by interviewing the subject and doing other background research. I have no clue what i'm doing here. To begin with, i'm not coming up with anyone whose background is different enough from my own that i could write a whole paper on new things i've learned. Second, most people i know of different backgrounds aren't particularly religious and might not follow any strikingly different cultural/religious ceremonies in the instance of death. Though this could be another instance where i feel like a bad person for not having a hugely diverse group of friends only to realize that i'm just so accepting of difference that i don't even recognize it. But still, i need help. If anyone can send me someone who has some interesting cultural norms who isn't a white catholic, i'd really appreciate it. Thanks.


And said...

Maybe Nora's friend Rina? (Nora, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds here).

Nora said...

I was thinking Barry - he does Shivah's. What do you think? He'll help you. (Jewish)
Steph, also sorry you were blue after the wedding.

Evil said...

i would like to volunteer evil twin #1. not because she is korean, but because evil twin #1 is the opposite of any "cultural norm."

And said...

Oh, Barry would be a good choice! Duh.

stephanie said...

Thanks for offering up Barry! I think I'm thinking even more different though. I actually know a decent amount about the Jewish faith, so would have a hard time coming up with a good question. I'm thinking I might hit up my old landlord's wife who's greek orthadox, and has super strong religious and cultural beliefs, which I don't know much about. We'll see...

Nora said...

I'm impressed b/c even I don't know that much about the Jewish faith. You can teach me!