

I was distracted from my morning latte/sudoku routine this morning by the television. A segment on cbs talked about a jack russell named tillie who is an "unusual artist" with exhibitions in several galleries around the world. Seriously? The dog chews at, claws, and rips apart plastic covered carbon paper which leaves prints on the paper below. This seems like something that any dog could do, and it amuses me that some of her "pieces" sell for $2200. I have to hand it to her owner though- if he can make money off of his dog, more power to him. Evil- maybe this should be your goal if you ever get a dog.


Evil said...

a dog that earns its own keep? brilliant!

Nora said...

I can't even believe you didn't think of Barney for this. First of all, he owes me $3,257 dollars (ruff calculation). Second, he loves destroying things!

Evil said...

"ruff calculation"! HAHA! nora is cracking me up!