

As you all know by now, evil and i are in the midst of a nail biting challenge. We're both racing to lose a total of 17.5 pounds, and are currently tied at -7.5. Only 10 to go! Since i'm living the life of a bag lady, yet want to stay on top of weighing myself daily, i'd been trucking my trusty digital scale back and forth from boston to acton. It turns out that it's not so trusty after all. When i returned it to my bathroom last night, and hopped on (out of curiosity- my official weigh in is in the morning) it registered 00.0. I tried it again, thinking i'd stepped on too fast, but with the same result. After checking it this morning, changing the batteries, and placing it somewhere else, i gave up and decided to purchase a new one. Not having any time to spare (i'm in a high stakes contest after all), i did some online research, i picked up a tanita scale. It's so fancy! It measures to the nearest 0.2lb, tells you your body fat percentage, and what your body water percentage is. How fun! You can even save data to look back on. I can't wait until tomorrow when i can test it out!


Evil said...

if your new scale quits on you too, then you KNOW it's trying to tell you something. competing against evil is futile!

just came back from the gym. sweated off 2 pounds.

kai said...

evil - sweating off two pounds at the gym just means you lost water & you're dehydrated :-)

I love my tanita scale. Mostly. Except in the winter, when it lurks in the corner and stalks me. But this time of year, I love it. we've had it for 6 years now. hasn't quit yet. I bet yours is better since its brandy-new.

Ironically, the body fat % seems to be fairly accurate. I joined a gym once where they measured my body fat with the calipers in several parts of my body, and the results were the same. although on our scale, if we change the settings from "athlete" to "normal' (or whatever the labels are), it seems to change the results. So I just leave it on athlete year round for consistency's sake.