

Many years ago, i worked at a day care center part time while i was at bu. I got along quite well with both the assistant director and director, alex and amy. At the time, they seemed much older and more mature that myself, when in reality, they were only 24 and 27- spring chickens at this point. This was in the mid nineties, right when tae bo became popular. As a staff bonding exercise, alex got the three pack of original tae bo's; basic, advanced, and 8-minute workout. We use to get a group of people together after the center closed, and all do tae bo in the gross motor room (inside gym). Good times. I continued working there after both alex and amy had left for greener pastures, and when i left, i took the tapes with me. They'd sat in the office collecting dust for some time, and i couldn't picture the new director ever partaking in a group exercise class. I may have used them once or twice in that following year, but they suffered the same fate with me as they had at the center. At some point they ended up with my sister. I think she actually used them every so often. So, once it became clear that it was significantly easier to stay at my parents' house on weeknights when i didn't have other plans, i had to come up with an alternate form of exercise. I can only run around their block so many times before having enough. Luckily, i had spied the three billy blanks videos on my sister's shelf, and squeezed in the 8-minute workout yesterday, and the one hour advanced workout tonight. Let me tell you...it's a killer. The cardio part is pretty standard- it's interesting and keeps my heart rate up- but the floor work for your abs and gluteus was ridiculous. Mid way through, i was so dehydrated that i paused it, filled up my nalgene, and chugged about 25 oz. I almost threw up when i got going again. I don't even remember doing this ten years ago in the basement, though i do remember amy laughing that she felt like a dog. My rumpus is going to be angry with me tomorrow.


Nora said...

How is your rumpus?

stephanie said...

It hurts:(

Mamacita said...

I love Billy and we have had many good times. I tried to find the originals (basic, advanced) a little while ago on DVD, but no luck.