

I woke up this morning and noticed a little light bulb on the night table. I was momentarily confused as i tried to remember if it was there the night before, and decided that it must have been, and i must not have noticed it. Then i looked in the lamp, and the bulb was missing. Since i used that very lamp last night, i must have gotten up and removed the bulb in my sleep. It must have been tricky too since the shade is long and thin, so takes some maneuvering to figure out. I have no memory of it.


And said...

The weather was really weird last night. I nearly fell out of bed. Maybe the wind blew the lightbulb out.

Nora said...

That is so strange Steph! Wow. I slept weird last night too but didn't know about the thunder and lightning till today.

Evil said...

I had a friend in college who told me that he woke up one night with a cork stuck in between his buttcheeks. not all the way up, just in btwn the cheeks. he suspected his roomie pranking him but never asked.

stephanie said...

That's really disturbing, though at least he had a roommate to blame it on. If i'd had a roommate the other night, i'd have been sure i wasn't the culprit. Putting aside the fact that it's kind of funny, it still really bothers me