

Today was the "jumpy" party. It was dubbed so many years ago due to the main attraction- a big jumpy. Along with it comes a popcorn machine, a bunch of tables, chairs, two tents, many people and a ton of really good food. Besides allowing the kids to get more exercise than any one should in one day, it also serves as a bi-annual family reunion. There are many june birthdays, so this is the one big celebration. The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time. In keeping with tradition, i was dragged into the jumpy for about 30 mins. It was undoubtedly the best workout i've had in a year (since the same time last year). I'd jump around for a minute or so, and then take a break to allow my heart rate to recover before starting again. By the time i rolled out the safety door, i was drenched in sweat and dying of thirst. The girls and their cousins were in there for no less than 6 hours throughout the day. I bet they've all lost at least five pounds.

Isn't he cute? I was in charge of the fruit salad since i told a. not to buy a watermelon boat from lambert's. I was sure i could do a better job for a better price. After cutting the top off, i decided to make a jack-o-lantern. I love how it came out (especially the rope nose), though next time i'd flip the watermelon around to make the green side show. Live and learn...

1 comment:

Nora said...

I love the watermellon face so much. I want to make one too! I think I shall, who wants to have a cook out so I can bring a watermellon jack-o-latern?