

As mentioned before, my mom recently completed her masters in education. The graduation itself was two weeks ago, but since julie was visiting from california, my mom invited some close family out for dinner tonight (though i wasn't asked until last night. Do you think they were hoping i'd be busy?). My dad came up with the idea of inviting a bunch of other people, and making it into a surprise graduation party. He planned everything down to the lie my uncle could tell her (if needed), and everything worked out seamlessly. Many guests (some who i should have known, but didn't remember) congratulated me on doing such a great job putting the party together. In reality, all i did was pick up a few things at costco, and meet the guests in a nearby parking lot. The best part about it was this poster my dad put together. I don't think there's ever been a funnier picture of my mom in all her twenty-nine years.

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