

The bad news i've eluded to in past posts is now definite, so i can share here: the b.'s are moving to hong kong in july for 2-3 years. It's been up in the air for months, but everything that needed to fall into place did this past week, so the girls were told the news last night. I can't describe how devastated i am. These are the people i have known for almost ten years and lived with for seven. Not only did i help raise the girls and consider them like my own, but a. and p. are both like older siblings and second parents to me. They're my family, my security. The hardest part is that a. is who i'd usually talk to about something like this, but i can't this time. I don't want to add unnecessary stress to what's obviously already hard for them. I have been spending most of my free time with them. Today we worked on a science report and played yahtzee. At one point i considered trying to separate myself from them a little now so it won't be so hard when they leave, but let's be honest- it's going to suck regardless, and i'd rather see them as much as possible while i can. If i have any friends left in august, i'll have plenty of time to spend with them then. I don't expect everyone to understand why i'm having such a hard time with this; unless someone's been through the same situation, i don't think it's possible to truly comprehend. The best example i can come up with is this: you have the perfect marriage. Then your husband divorces you when there were never any problems, gets everything, moves your children across the world and leaves you all alone. Maybe this means i'm overly attached or reliant or whatever, and maybe it will be healthy for me to be by myself for a while. Who knows. On the upside (since there always has to be one), i'll have a fantastic place to visit. I'm already planning to spend the entire summer of 2009 with them. I'll also be house sitting while they're gone, which will come in handy when i'm in school with $0 income. It also means that i'll have plenty of room for guests.


Artist Statement said...

OMG! Hang in there girl! I totally understand!

Julie said...

You can always talk to me instead of a.

Louie Monkey-Pest said...

Look on the very bright side. After they are in Hong Kong, you can rent out rooms to vagrants for $10 a night. No overhead. All profit. VERY POSITIVE cash and who knows, maybe you can meet some fun new folks.

kai said...

I don't think this is a strange reaction at all. Frankly, I'd be more than a little worried if you just took this in stride.

These things are really hard, but they aren't impossible. After your trip to Hong Kong, you might very well be thinking that although the separation is tough, it was a great experience for the girls, and for you, and that luck sometimes works in mysterious ways.

I bet those kids will be teaching you chinese in no time. Just think how much their culinary skills will grow!

There are always upsides. Its worth finding them and making the most of them. Trust me.

Have you looked into online video conferencing? That would help - you guys could set up a designated day/time date every week or something. That way you could continue to be involved in their lives and still "see them."

stephanie said...

Thanks everyone. I think if i added all the e-mails, calls and im's i got to these comments, it might be the most commented post yet!
Julie- thanks for the talking offer. The funny thing is that there isn't really much to talk about- it's all been said! It's just funny to spend time with a. and not talk about how hard this will be for me.
Kai- the video conferencing thing is something i did consider, but need to learn more about. I'm sure we'll look at that as july gets closer!
Louie- the vagrant idea is brilliant! I could earn money for doing nothing! If any of you are in the area, i'll even cut you a break- $8/night!

Evil said...

this post shows exactly why people should not get close to other people. it only leads to difficult times sooner or later. be isolated, people! DO NOT care for anyone!

Louie Monkey-Pest said...

Listen, you need a classy name for the Bed and Breakfast. Here are a few I suggest:

1.Bunk-N- Brew;
3.The Bedbug;
4. The Hong Kong Surprise (Boy,will the owners be surprised when they come back from Hong Kong!);
5.Mustang Ranch East.

Let me know what works for you.

Louie Monkey-Pest said...

Okay, so none of those names were good. How about a name that both honors the proprietor of the B and B but also conjures up images of a Greek villa on the Aegean Sea: "The Steph-ylococcus."

Evil said...

that sounds like:


stephanie said...

I just didn't get a chance to respond. I've been busy! My brother liked "bunk-n-brew." I think it's pretty good, though there would be an extra charge for the "brew" that wouldn't be covered in the $10 rate.
Evil- you have a dirty mind. I have no clue about you louie since i don't know you at all, so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But you evil- i know you well enough to know how you think.

Tish said...

agh, thats awfull. At least it's not forever. I miss my Stockwells every day.