

The plan is to go to earthfest on saturday. It starts at noon, but if someone else will go early with me to claim land, i'm willing. I could leave my place at 10, and get there when i get there via the bus. This year, 92.9 has switched from calling itself "wbos" to "radio 92.9" and with this switched the music. At first i didn't like the slightly harder/alternative/almost punk like feel of the music they now play, but i'm a convert. I love it. I also love that they're really into this short commercial thing, and try to keep any breaks under a minute. I'm much more likely to stay on a channel when i know the music really will be right back. So, back to earthfest. This year the headliner is cake, but we'll also see cracker, english beat and the bodeans. Not to mention all the free samples. Let me know who's up for it.


Julie said...

FYI, Kevin's friends band is playing there, they won some contest or something.

kai said...

commercial breaks? i listen to either NPR or WERS simply because they do not HAVE commercial breaks. Of course, during pledge drive time, I'm forced to listen to XM (if I'm in the truck) or my ipod (civic). Assuming I can FIND my ipod. I like WERS though - thats where I find new music.

I'm hopefully selling my old bike on Saturday & then we have a BBQ (we're going to eat my friends chicken!), so there's no way we can come into the city for earthfest. And honestly, after that drunken fight a few years ago, I'm OK with that :-)

Hope you have a great time, and don't run into any drunken stupid kids at 11 am.

And said...

I'll go steph! I wanted to go to haymarket early though...

Nora said...

I want to go... but I also forgot I promised Sarah months ago that I'd go with her to her cake tasting (YES funnest part of getting married, j/k) on Saturday at 11! We'll try to swing by afterwards b/c I really wanted to go to this! I have been thinking about it for weeks! The weather is going to kick ass. And the free samples rock.