

Had a huge sleepover with seven kids- the three girls and four belmont kids (ages: 4-9yrs). We do this every year when one set of parents hosts a "dance party" in a club downtown. We also make pajama pants for all the kids, and they color their own shirt. Since i haven't had a ton of time, i sewed the pants at their house saturday evening while they were watching a movie. All in all, it took me a total of three hours to complete all seven pair, but that included breaks for making them dinner, etc. By the last pair, i was a pro, and finished them in 16 mins flat. I guess i have another option if i don't get into school for next year. We all had a great time, but i was beat. Took an hour and a half long nap when i got home on sunday.


Nora said...

You are so cute!
Can we do that with our girlfriends? It sounds really fun!

Evil said...

what did you mean by putting "dance party" in quotes?

stephanie said...

I don't know. What did you think i meant by that?

Evil said...

i take it that it means something kinky.

stephanie said...

I knew that's what you were thinking- you have a dirty mind evil. I'm not sure why i put it in quotes. I guess because they're all in their late 30's to early 40's and generally do fancy stuff like go to nice restaurants and the ballet and stuff. Throwing a dance party in a real club just cracks me up.