

I've been playing some guitar hero 3 recently. (Trying to get back to my teenage boy roots.) Mostly late at night or early in the morning since that seems to be the only time i have free anymore. (It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're playing "just one more song.") Here's my problem- i'm stuck in the medium difficulty level. In most cases, it's not really challenging for me (except with one really obnoxious song that shouldn't be as hard as it is on medium). It's getting a little predictable, actually. The trouble comes when i try to move up to hard. I have five fingers- four that are able to press buttons. In medium, it uses four buttons, so i've trained myself to associate each color with a finger- pretty easy. In hard it uses five buttons, so you have to move your fingers around a little- not so easy anymore. If that were it- just adding another button- it would just take a little practice, but be more attainable in the long run. Unfortunately, they also add more notes to throw you off. How am i supposed to retrain myself to play an extra key while also paying attention to all these tricky tempos and doubles? I've done it successfully for two songs, but have been boooooed off for far too many. I'm getting a complex. Can't i learn any new tricks?


Evil said...

practice, practice, practice! you'll get there in no time, i'm sure.

also, here's what i like to do... i put my four fingers on the 2nd thru 5th buttons. (not the 1st thru the 4th buttons.) some people (like me) find it easier to shift your hand toward the first button when needed... as opposed to stretching your pinky down to the last button. poor little pinky... it's not really good for much.

Evil said...

i finished the rock band solo tour on Hard this weekend. have 3 more songs to finish the solo tour on Expert. but those last 3 songs are doozies. i may never finish them. :(

stephanie said...

Thanks for the advice. I spent an hour or so practicing tonight, and managed to get through the first four songs. (I was a sad girl when i finished three, and realized that you had to do all four on hard.) Two of them were "easy" but the other two i failed at many times before finally making it through.
I'm sure you'll get those last three songs eventually- no worries.

Evil said...

evil twin #2 and i played 2 solid hours of rock band tonight! we made a lot of good progress... opened up several new venues to play. still havent unlocked the tour plane though. that'll be huge.

Nora said...

OOOOH tour plane. This sounds fun all of a sudden.

stephanie said...

Nice work on rock band! What instruments do you and et#2 play for your world tour gig?

Evil said...

i usually play guitar. but et#2 is multitalented. she alternates between drums and vocals. my 2nd guitar should be arriving in the mail really soon... so at some point, someone can play bass too.

stephanie said...

WHAT? You don't have a second guitar already? How long have you had this game?
(I'm assuming you have two for guitar hero 3, but that they only work on the wii and not the xbox, right?)
If I remember correctly, et#1 liked bass best. I like drums, but haven't practiced in a while, so i might suck if i played it now. We should all get together to play sometime- maybe for et#1's party!

Evil said...

there's a good reason why i dont have a second guitar... because they dont make one! well, they started making one (and selling it on its own) just last week. so there. :)

stephanie said...

Alright- i apologize. It does seem ridiculous that they didn't sell one by itself earlier than last week though. My brothers both have several guitars (kevin had three at christmas) though they must be from guitar hero, etc. Brian has a wii too, but i guess he got the games for the xbox instead.

Evil said...

yah, it was the guitar hero guitar. the ones for xbox work for rock band on xbox too. but the guitars are slightly different (mainly the buttons), so i wanted to hold out for the rock band guitar.