

Today was the day I was to start work on the dining room table. I have the old barn boards ready to go, and had planned to attach them all into one large slab before trimming and sanding them into one nice smooth table top. Sadly, because I waited so long to read the bookclub book, I had to put off table building plans until the weekend of september 1st in favor of spending the majority of the day reading. This month's book is the emperor's children by claire messud. I've wanted to read it for almost a year, but it wasn't available in paperback until june (one of our requirements for books). It's long- 479 pages- and while it's sometimes beneficial to read a book all at once, I don't think this was one of those times. Had I spread it out over the course of two weeks, I think I'd have grown more attached to the characters and been able to absorb more of the story than I did. However, there's definitely some satisfaction in polishing off such a large book mostly in one day. Plus, it's one of those good "noisy" books where you can twist the pages and be rewarded with a nice squelching sounds. I like that.


Evil said...

wow you read fast! it would had taken me 4 years to finish that book!

stephanie said...

Only when I have to. Normally, it would have taken me 4 years as well.