

My lord. I just had one of the best cupcakes of my life. It rivals party favors, which had previously been the only contender, and I really can't choose which one is better! While party favors has delicious icing, this new one, from rosie's bakery, has better cake by far. I'm not usually a chocolate cake fan, but the cake of these cupcakes was similar to a brownie, yet not as dense, nor overly sweet. Even the icing complemented the cake part well. It was much lighter than party favors, almost liked whipped cream, and had a milder taste. Kind of buttery. In fact, as I'm writing this and remembering the exquisite flavor and textures, I have to pick rosie's over party favors. For sure. In fact, while I'd previously considered forgoing the cake at my wedding (which isn't happening anytime soon- not until I find someone to marry in any case), I'm now reconsidering it. Maybe I'll just get several hundred cupcakes instead of a whole cake.

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