

My computer's running slower than molasses. It's driving me crazy! Can this be fixed or do I need a new one with a bigger hard drive and more memory? I might just throw it out the window at this rate.


brian said...

Hmm, that could be all sorts of things. Is your hard drive nearly full? If so, delete a bunch of stuff and it'll speed up. How old is your machine? It might just have a bunch of stuff running all the time, or viruses, or who knows what else. Hard to say without being able to look at it directly.

stephanie said...

Ya, the hard drive's pretty full- I have about 7gigs left of 60 total. I deleted about 1 gig of photos, but the last time I tried to delete stuff, I ended up messing up some folder that Dad had to fix. I'm sure there's a ton of stuff I don't need on it, but I don't trust myself to get it off without screwing up my whole laptop. It's a little over 2 years old, and I have virus protection, so hopefully it's not infected. Maybe I'll bring it to the Cape with me so you can take a look?