

I've always found it repulsive when people (generally teenage boys) hawk loogies. It's usually done in broad daylight, and the larger the loogie, the prouder the spitter. So imagine my dismay when I've been forced to do the very thing that disgusts me. As you may know, I've been running in the neighborhood at night- usually about four miles a few times per week. I also have asthma. Not the kind of asthma where I regularly have attacks and my throat closes up, but the kind that bothers my under three conditions; when it's cold out, when I exercise, and when I'm congested. When all three go on at the same time, it's pretty much a party in my lungs. I can breathe in fine, but can't breathe out, and usually end up coughing and wheezing, even when I use my inhaler. So recently, I've found that it helps to clear my throat, and "hawk a loogie" while I'm running. Since this mortifies me, I try to be as discreet as possible- it's pretty dark out, so that helps, and I try to find an area that's more wooded than residential. Still though, I can just picture some poor home owner seeing me spit on his yard, and chasing me into the street with a broom. I guess it's a good thing that I could probably outrun him now.

1 comment:

brian said...

Yeah, welcome to it. I got used to spitting while I'm biking -- once I'm pushing with enough intensity, my mouth dries out and I can't swallow as easily (also I can't spare the time to swallow, since I can't breathe while I do.)

Later I complained to a friend about my nose running while I ride, and he said, "What do you think those terry cloth backings on the gloves are for?"

So now I'm quite good at holding one nostril closed while riding and blowing out the other one, then the other side, then wiping my nose on my gloves.

Except the one time, when a guy I didn't know was actually pretty close behind me on the road, and I didn't see him. Oops!