

I have a funny story. (Sorry for sharing this mom, but it's just too funny not to.) My sister *j* had her gallbladder out three days before christmas. She was in serious pain that morning (which she's since heard is worse than childbirth), and woke my mom up at 7am to bring her to the hospital. My mom got right up...and then went into the bathroom to blowdry her hair before bringing *j* to the hospital. Even though there were other reasons behind her needing to do this, we'll never let her live it down. Cut to last night. My parents and *j* met up for dinner at one of their favorite italian places about 20 minutes from the house. My dad drove straight from work, and met them there for dinner. Afterwards, he headed home while my mom and *j* went into marshalls, which is in the same parking lot area. After she found some cute shoes, *j* went looking for my mom to ask her opinion. Not able to find her, *j* bought the shoes, and then must have gone into the parking lot to get in the car. Which wasn't there. Our mom had left *j* at marshalls by herself, with no way to get home. My mom has a cell phone, but leaves it in the charger at home, so *j* couldn't even call her to turn around. She had to call the house, where our dad was by this point, and he sent my mom back to get *j* once she got home. Apparently, our mom thought that my dad had gone into marshalls too, and *j* had left with him without telling her. As *j* says, "I might be dad's favorite (which she is), but I'm definitely not mom's." Now we're down to three contestants.

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