

Despite my desire to go downtown for new year's, I couldn't convince anyone else to go with me. Some people had legitimate plans that they couldn't get out of, but most people just thought I was crazy to want to put myself through the chaos that is first night. I ended up having dinner at home, and drove over to *ac* and *gl*'s place around 11. We hung out there with some other friends until midnight, cheered with champagne and pama, and around 12:30, all decided to head over to matt murphy's (a bar in brookline). There was a live band there, along with the entire population of a small town, but we managed to squeeze ourselves into a little area around the bar. I like matt murphy's. It's cozy, has good decor, and the food's good. We didn't have any food last night, but I've had it before, and it's good. There was this one kid who kept collecting glasses and bringing them back to the bar. I think he thought he was being helpful, but since he was as drunk as a skunk, he probably spilt stale beer over several people, and broke at least three glasses. The bartender wasn't thrilled. While we were jammed in there, I recognized this women whom I'd known six years or so ago. Her kid went to the daycare I worked at while at bu. I wasn't sure it was her at first, because she didn't look old enough, but after a bit, I was convinced. When the bar was kicking us all out, I went up to her, and I was right. She didn't recognize me at first, but when I told her who I was, she remembered. She kept saying how good I looked, and how much she liked my haircut, and how she couldn't believe that I was old enough to go to bars now. I guess I never realized that I looked so bad before! Maybe it's my new makeup!

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