

I had one crazy dream last night. I don't remember most of it, but the parts I do remember are weird. Like being locked in an abandoned house that was full of swampy stuff- mud, water, you know. It wasn't deep or anything, we were just trudging through it. I was with two other people- don't remember who- and we were trying to get out. We kept looking through drawers for things we could use, but didn't come up with much. Then I found an old bed sheet somewhere, and decided that we could use it as a tent-like shelter when we got out. (Apparently we were in the middle of the woods- nothing much was around. We got out (which didn't turn out to be hard), but we had to look out for the bad guys. Then we ended up in another house that had been turned into a museum. We didn't want to go in, but "they" made us. (No. I don't know who "they" are. I'm assuming the bad guys we were looking out for.) We were walking through this place, and walked into a room where the ceiling was built on weird angles- kind of like we were under the stairs or in an attic. It freaked me out- like panic attack material. The other two people who were with me were freaked out too, and I think we were whispering about it. That's it. That's all I remember. Anyone interested in interpreting this one?

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