

Today i took a trip to lamma, the third largest island of hong kong. It's cute and little, with some poor villages, and lots of hiking paths. I took the ferry into yung shue wan, and walked the 1hr 20 min "family trail" to sok kwu wan. While the views were fantastic and the sky was bright blue and sunny, it was hot hot hot, with a ridiculously high humidity level. I was drenched within minutes, and reconsidered my original plan of a second 2 hour circle hike from sok kwy wan. Luckily for me, i decided to do it. I was already soaked, and would otherwise have 3 hours to kill before the ferry left. Though paved as well, this was a harder hike than the first one, going up and down steep hills, often using stairs to help out. But the views were incredible, and since it was a weekday (and no normal person would hike in this weather) i had the whole place to myself. I made it back to sok kwu wan with an hour to spare, just enough time to enjoy a fantastic lunch- steamed grouper, alive when i ordered it. Definitely the best fish i've ever had!

Part of lamma from the trail.

The perfect beach. I want this to be mine.

Me. Being hot. Very hot.

Pink flower. It rained in the morning (before i got there) and then became the clearest day i've seen here. I like the raindrops on the petals.

A weirdo looking flower.

I guess there wasn't really anything to show this guy to scale, but he was pretty big! If you look close (on my screen, at least), you can see his web. There were a bunch of them on the trails in lamma.

A village.

Bananas!!! Growing in a real banana tree!!

My lunch- aka, the most fantastically tasty and fresh fish i've ever eaten. I want another one. Growl, growl.

Boats in the sea where i ate lunch.

Rainbow restaurant- my lunch stop.


portia said...

I said it on FB but I'll say it again-- these are amazing!

stephanie said...

Portia- you're the BEST at commenting. Gold star!!!

Allen said...

I just read your blog about Lamma Island. I'm going tomorrow. Hopefully it wont' be too bad, it is a bit humid, but probably not as bad as it was when you were here. Great photos by the way.